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We’ve all heard the popular statistic about the first seven years of marriage. They say if you’ve managed to stick together through the first decade you’re more likely to make it. The more years that pass, the less the chance of divorce. And boy is it hard. There are the stressors of not communicating well, not having enough money, plans not going the way you want them. And we let them get in the way of our relationships all across the board. One of the hardest parts of marriage is being afraid to be honest and share your struggles. As a pastor’s wife, I have fallen for the scam that I have to pretend to be the perfect example. But who can bear the weight of life without the support system of the church? God has given us the command in  1 Peter 4:8,  “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” So, I’m here to share how the hope of Christ has impacted me over the past couple weeks in the midst of trial. Caleb and I, a few months ag...

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