Stay Away Germs!

It’s that time of year. Everyone gets sick and there’s no way to stop it all. And that’s hard for this germaphobe to say!
With kids in the house there’s no way to prevent all sickness but there are some good tips for once the sickness comes!

I call this my cold basket. I made it a couple months ago when my toddler got his first cold and I was tired of walking to the bathroom and trashcan and sink every two minutes.

Inside you can see a box of tissues. I use the tissues with lotion. They are soft on little noses.
A little tin I use this to throw away all the used tissues. At the end of the day or when it gets full then I dump it into the real trashcan. It’s a good shortcut. You can spray it out with Lysol each night to keep the germs away as well. I got this one at Target.
I have hand sanitizer for myself and hand sanitizer wipes for my baby. I also have booger wipes for when his nose is getting to sensitive for dry tissues.
I have an essential oil called R.C. That I use in my diffuser when we have stuffy noses. A diffuser is a great mini humidifier for your family room. Keep the rooms moist in the winter and cold viruses will have a hard time surviving!

So that’s the basket. Besides that here are some other winter weather tips.
Keep a real humidifier in your kids room to keep the germs at bay and keep those little noses wet and free on congestion.

Me and my husband also take Emergen-C when there are germs floating around. It makes sure we are getting the nutrition we need and hopefully staying on top of the germs.

These are just some tips. Remember to wash your hands a lot and get lots of rest!


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