One Servants Heart And A Passion To Cook
I have been so fortunate growing up to have experienced so much. We traveled, we learned, we experienced.
My parents worked so hard to give us everything we kids had growing up.
Before I was born, both my parents we chefs. Good chefs! I was always so proud to tell everyone what my parents did for a living.
We lived all over the country when I was a kid as my dad was promoted to different hotels as a Food and Beverage Director.
When we moved to Kentucky I was old enough to start to really take an interest in what my dad was doing and he started to let me help him.
And it changed my life.
The very first memory I really have of helping him (though I'm sure there are others!) is a Christmas party that was happening in the hotel. We walked back and forth through the kitchens and I remember decorating the tables with pine tree branches.
From there it just grew. As jobs changed and places changed things were just as fun if not a little more. He started his own catering company through the school we went to and I was able to help him cook at least once a week. I learned cooking skills, decorating skills and people skills. We did weddings, party's, lunches and everything in between.
Recently my dad and I finished our last catering event. It was a wedding. I looked back on memories and realized how much this has really changed my life. It's been ten years of cooking together, eating together, cleaning together (though he did a lot of the cleaning lol).
My mom cooked too at home every night and I used to sit and watch her cook dinner. She taught me to cook without even knowing it. My dad taught me skills he learned in culinary school. I remember most of them though I still can't cut a bell pepper well!
I love to cook now because of them. Food has become a passion. I love to eat!
I want my parents to know how thankful I am for everything they've given me. There are so many kids out there who didn't get to experience what I have and I am so happy for it! You have changed my life through culture and cooking. So even when you aren't sure about how things have turned out, know that I am so sure this was exactly how it was meant to be. You worked so hard every day for us and it really has changed my life for the better!
I would not be who I am today without you.
Thank you.
Don't stop cooking!