Clear Proof Voxbox. UPDATE!

I told you guys I would come back with an update about the Clear Proof Voxbox. The had the Clear Proof Acne system from Mary Kay.
It was pretty expensive and I was excited about trying it.
Within a couple days I realized that the lotion which is step four (check out my previous blog post Clear Proof Vox box) made my skin oily and I was breaking out.
I got rid of the lotion and started using just the first three steps. But this didn't seem to help much. I usually have clear skin and now my chin and nose and forehead were breaking out. NOT COOL.

I'm going to keep using it till it's done to see if my skin gets used to it but I won't be getting it again. Also I won't be using the lotion. It just makes me sad that it actually made my skin oily and zitty.

If you guys got it tell me how it made your skin!


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